Find Us

Auckland Branch

Level 3, 27 Gillies Ave, Newmarket
Auckland, New Zealand

Visitors parking is located outside the front entrance.
Other parks are towaway parks.

Going North - Get off the motorway at Khyber Pass and immediately back on going South (under bridge). Stay in left hand lane going south and exit next left (Gillies Avenue). Left onto Gillies then second driveway on the left into 27 Gillies.

Going South - Exit at Gillies Avenue. Left onto Gillies then second driveway on the left into 27 Gillies.

Wellington Branch

Level 1, Radio New Zealand House
155 The Terrace, Wellington 6011

Christchurch Branch

Level 3, Anthony Harper Tower
62 Worcester Boulevard
Christchurch 8013
PO Box 13823
Christchurch 8140
New Zealand

Hamilton Branch

Asset Recruitment
Level 10, KPMG Centre
85 Alexandra Street,
Hamilton 3240