Finalists in the Seek Annual Recruitment Awards - Again!
Alpha has been a regular attendee at the Seek Annual Recruitment Awards (affectionately called the SARA's) for almost the whole time these have been running in New Zealand. Amazingly we have been either a Finalist, A Legend, or a Winner in 12 of the 14 SARA's held here. And what an interesting journey it's been, from competing in a voted "popularity style" competition through to the latest awards which are judged by very knowledgeable judges with strong links to our industry.
And in successively higher categories, from our beginning as a small recruiter, through medium in the early teen's and for the last two years in the large recruitment company category. We love the "judged" SARA's for their objective ranking, and the fact that the industry is really starting to take notice of the quality of these awards, with this year being the highest number of submissions, and the largest number of attendees.
So, we aren't winners, not this year anyway. Well this large category is tough. We thought taking out the medium sized category two years ago was tough, but this is a whole new level. Our congratulations to the Winners - OneStaff, they have had an incredible journey from all accounts and a long history through their predecessor companies. And joint commiserations with Hays. This year we shared the also Finalist spot with this well known international recruiter and we know they are worthy competitors.
I didn't get to give my wide-ranging, inspirational, and deeply moving speech. Oh well, into the drawer for some of it, but maybe a little will sneak out in these pages over the next few months.
Well done Seek on the style of the SARA's and the quality of your judging panel.
Hopefully we will get some photo's of the night up on our Facebook page very soon.
Colin Mathieson