My Story - Luke Jones
This month our My Story candidate is our February 'Temp of the Month', Luke Jones.
1. Tell me a little about where you grew up and what it was like.
When I was 6 years old, I moved with my family from the UK to New Zealand. I grew up in Palmerston North- a city renowned for being boring ;). In fact, my greatest childhood moment of fame was being on TV (for about 10 seconds) in a news feature on... how there is nothing to do in Palmerston North. But I’m grateful to have grown up somewhere un-dramatic, where I could focus on being a kid.
2. Why did you choose the career you have worked in?
I’ve spent the last 10 years working as a volunteer. Not coincidentally, mission and values are a crucial motivation for me. I do my best work where I can see a bigger purpose to what I’m doing. Working in healthcare provides me with a clear picture of the meaningful impact my work will have.
3. What was it about NZ that attracted you?
When I left NZ at age 19, I didn’t expect I’d ever live here again. In fact, it was kind of an accident that I moved back- it was meant to be an extended stopover, but it ended up extending more than anticipated. But it’s turned out really well for us.
4. How have you found living and working in NZ?
I really like it here. It’s a great place to bring up my kids. My youngest son was born here, and the whole process was just amazing. There’s such a focus on supporting children and families.
5. Can you tell me a little about your experience with Alpha, and how we have been involved in your journey?
When I signed up with Alpha, it felt a lot friendlier than other employment agencies I met with. I assumed it was a small-scale operation- I was pretty shocked when I found out how big it actually is! They’ve done a really good job of valuing me as an individual; I’ve never felt like I’m ‘just another temp’.
Once we decided we were staying in NZ, Niamh had an interview lined up for me within a week. She’s kept following me up to see how I’m doing, to check if I know all I need to- she’s been the perfect blend of professional but personal. It has all far exceeded my expectations of what working with an employment agency would look like.