My Story - Riya Ghorpade
This month our My Story candidate is our June 'Temp of the Month', Riya Ghorpade.
1. Tell me a little about where you grew up and what it was like.
I grew up in Mumbai, India, a big cosmopolitan city and a great place to pursue education and meet multi–cultural people. It is a good place to start a career as well as enjoy university life by exploring many mesmerising places.
2. Why did you choose the career you have worked in?
I have always been eager to work in the hospital, to work in a challenging place and to give back to the society. I wanted to gain good experience of the hospital environment and learn things and incidents that take place daily by being a part of the team I work with and bring a positive attitude and good vibes working and try to contribute as much as possible. Working in the covid days was quite challenging for me as all I could think of is we were saving lives by doing our best by helping the team and the staffs around and we did achieve the target. Even though hospitals might look like a depressing place to the people but on the inside this place are the people coming together to help each other and work as a team fighting against every problems and achieving the goals.
3. What was it about NZ that attracted you?
I have been born and brought up in a city that never stops. Mumbai being a financial capital of India, the life in that city is fast and always busy. I am a nature person and New Zealand is one of the beautiful countries when it comes to nature. I found places a lot relaxing and people here are very friendly.
4. How have you found living and working in NZ?
I wanted to experience living and working in New Zealand which I did and it was my best decision to come to this country. I found people are very helpful and friendly here and life is a lot relaxing than Mumbai. I have gained a good experience studying and working in New Zealand which has helped me build a strong career and personality.
5. Can you tell me a little about your experience with Alpha, and how we have been involved in your journey?
My friends told me a lot about Alpha and the broader options for job and the opportunities they have for every eligible person. I met one of the wonderful recruiter Natasha Fletcher and after the interview; I knew that I was in the right agency and that she will help me. I was focused on what I wanted and determined to get that by learning new skills and taking initiative at work. Alpha is one of the best decisions I have made being in New Zealand.