Tania Paul


A bit about me

Without dwelling too much on the past, I have been blessed in my career to have worked in all areas of business from sole proprietorship to a large corporation, and I am genuinely grateful for how all of those different experiences have shaped me as a person and the value they have added to my working life.

Previous roles in Sales, Human Resource, Key Account Management & Business have all been valuable for me in terms of building & maintaining successful relationships and I have most enjoyed the variety of dealing with all walks of life.

In work as it is in life, everything we do, say, acquire and aspire to is affected in some way by how we interact & engage with other people. Whatever the industry or the role we have, the same rule applies and this is most evident in Recruitment where people ARE our business!

Having worked at Alpha for several years, and in different roles & areas of the business, I still find it is so rewarding to work in an industry where you have the ability to affect other people’s lives in such an important way.